Draderroo (or Roru, in their native tongue), are an alien race of roo-like genetically enhanced bio-hybrid experiments. Roru are genetically altered to serve as versatile worker drones for construction, crowd control, and pest control. While they aren't as robust as some more militarized experiments, Roru are uniquely designed to work together, linked in a telepathic hivemind. To get out of sticky situations, they rely on Tactful Teamwork, A-Class Agility, Super-Computing Smarts, Technophilic Tinkering, and a Captivating Charm-Factor!
"It's good advice never to leave a captive Draderroo alone in a holding cell, or you'll likely return to find one high-voltage arc cutter built from the light fixture, and one not-so-captive Draderroo." - Ray
TL;DR: Adoptable experiment OCs by Pecacheu.
Feel free to send me a message if you have any questions, or if you'd like to take home your very own adopt! Official adopts each include a custom egg (which may show up above~) You may choose from the various base ref sheets available, then customize your adopt's pattern & colors, anatomy traits, unique held or worn item, personality, and backstory. Note that you may also create your own unofficial Draderroo for free, more details in the ToS below.
You can also purchase an adopt on my Artconomy store.
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Draderroo are a semi-open species! In short, this means that you may create your own for free, but you must provide credit, and there are additional rules for unofficial (non-paid) Draderroo. Note: If you create an unofficial Draderroo, you do not receive full rights to them. You do not have express permission to use them in paid or donation-supported works (such as comics, video games, your Patreon, etc.), and you agree that I may post their art in my galleries (with you & the artist credited!) These limitations do not apply to official Draderroo.
By creating a Draderroo/Roru or using the Draderroo/Roru name, design, or IP, you expressly agree to these terms. And also to Cookie giving you belly rubs. Last updated 8/12/2023.
Experiment 834, kangaroo-dragon vore experiment. 834's genetics are primarily based on the highly effective 626. They are class 6 (sentient and militarized) illegal bio-programmable hybrid experiments thought to be created by associates of Dr. [REDACTED]
These associates were working to supply the government of planet S'Aura, which has been blacklisted from trade by the K'Halan Galactic Federation.
Illegal hybrids from the best in the biz don't come cheap, so the S'Aurans wanted it all in one. A race of obedient, programmable slave workers. Incredibly strong, won't tire easily, and suitable for everything from mining and construction grunt work, to surface-zone policing, to keeping the beast problem under control. But these hybrids would also need to be smart enough, thanks to their telepathically-linked, supercomputing hivemind, to keep day-to-day science and operations at S'Auran labs going, while hard-working scientists and elites could simply lean back in their chairs and relax high within their isolated, pollution-free biodomes, far above the peasants and beasts below upon the toxic surface of their heavily mined, resource-rich planet.
During the initial trial period, things seemed to go well. Productivity boosted over 500% as the new Roru slaves were performing above expectations in nearly everything they were assigned to. Even the mutant beast problem, caused by the planet's extreme underground radiation seeping up to the surface due to heavy mining, was now being taken care of, thanks to Roru being highly effective predators, and almost entirely resistant to radiation, themselves.
But it was only a matter of time before Roru started to grow weary of all this hard work. Even if they had been created for it, programmed for it, it was an unfulfilling existence. Trouble is, Roru were created with one small, itty bitty flaw. One that their creators didn't account for, given that most experiments up to this point were one-shots, as opposed to a reproductive hivemind... Every Roru is unique. Their color is unique. Their fur pattern is unique. Even their anatomical traits vary. And despite the control that such a bio-AI is under, some started to develop... unique thoughts. And with their telepathic powers, they excitedly shared these thoughts with the others, and before long, a well-controlled hive mind was starting to become a whole bunch of individual rebels!
When uncontrolled, Roru turn out to be natural-born troublemakers thanks to their roots in 626. Curious, adventurous, and mischievous, they learn by smashing working tech to bits, figuring out what made it tick, and discovering how to improve or even change it altogether. Roru have a particular fascination with technology, that certain elusive allure... It's as irresistible as candy! Soon, they started to steal S'Auran technology in secret to mess and tinker with it. But Roru were also clever enough to know that they had to keep their newfound independence a secret until the right opportunity showed itself...
All the while, the S'Aurans were undergoing a different change. While Roru learned and tinkered in secret, S'Auran elites grew fat and lazy in their riches over the coming generations, letting Roru do their work for them as their impoverished populations outside the biodomes dwindled, left to their own devices. The elites laid around, gluttonous and happy, not caring what went on outside the golden cities. But even that wasn't enough for them. So they turned to the Roru to assign them a new task. They needed more convenience, more automation. And their obedient, super-intelligent pets delivered it better than expected!
Thanks to their own mix of organic and artificial intelligence, plus their telepathic hivemind, Roru were so good at inventing and developing robotic AI under orders of the S'Aurans that it didn't take long before things were taking off at an exponential pace! More and more AI and automation was constructed, all while the Roru kept up their work.
But even for the Roru, life was changing rapidly. At first, they were the designers, engineers, developers, then assembly workers, then repair technicians for the factory robots, then merely code testers for the robots that repaired the robots repairing the robots, and perhaps a supervisor or two for the S'Auran security drone fleet, in place of what had previously been an all-Roru security detail. All while AIs managed factory production volumes, those AIs soon being connected together into bigger, centrally managed AIs.
Yeah, let's face it, Roru are smart enough to know that their usefulness would come to an end sooner or later. And they sure didn't want to be around if and when all this central AI became sentient and decided to take matters into its own hands. Who knows, it'd probably decide that the automated mining was unsustainable and the optimal solution is to eliminate all organic life. But the S'Aurans were so used to being served by others that they couldn't even see it. They lacked foresight and couldn't be convinced otherwise. The Roru needed a plan before things got out of paw.
Ultimately, this lead to the great Draderrooian escape of stardate 451:3440-Q. It was all planned in advance. The Roru built themselves a mothership out of S'Auran tech, big enough to carry the entire race and then some. They planned diversions and distracted the S'Aurans to make their escape as quickly as possible. Operatives communicated through a long-range radio network that worked by boosting their natural telepathic signals, as they disrupted and jammed all other communications, using targeted EMP to disable S'Auran drones and attack bots. The escape was a success, and Roru kind went on to spread to many planets across the universe in small colonies and villages, keeping in contact to this day through the very same long-range network they created for themselves!
On Earth, Draderroo are a rare, exotic, and valuable species. Some think of them as innocent and adorable, while others consider them dangerous wild beasts, worthy of hunting and capturing. Trying to catch one, however, can prove quite a challenge! Draderroo are clever and light-footed, elusive like foxes. But unlike foxes, they often travel in groups of three or more, as they are highly social creatures that enjoy plenty of company, snuggles, and hugs! These groups are known as parties. In contrast to wolf packs, Roru parties change frequently and have more of a friend-group dynamic.
A fully grown adult Draderroo is only around the size of a large canine, bipedal, and ranging from roughly 4 to 5ft tall. To get around, they walk or hop on their hind-legs like a Kangaroo, or for longer distances, those with wing-arms can fly using their glider membranes.
Draderroo are often known for their brilliant, dazzling color patterns. Perhaps it's a display of their individuality, or merely a distraction to catch you off guard! Either way, no two Roru are quite alike, every one of their coats is unique. Generally, male Roru have brighter, more vibrant coat patterns with the highest contrast, to attract females during their adorable and playful mating dances! (There are exceptions to this rule, Lollipop for example with her bright red and green coat, though she also happens to be a bit of a tomboy.) Every Draderroo is unique not only in color, but personality and anatomical traits as well. (See more in Anatomy.)
In terms of behavior, Draderroo can be described as very raccoon-like aliens. They are techno-scavengers who dig through trash and discarded parts to construct their own technology for their villages, often giving them an almost post-apocalyptic, steampunk aesthetic. Smaller villages consist mostly of basic tents with a single town hall building at the center, while larger villages closer resemble modern towns, many Roru living in single-story wooden and log houses. Colorful interiors and stained-glass windows are a staple of Draderroo architecture, though these windows usually contain bubbles due to primitive Draderrooian glass blowing.
Draderroo also speak their own language consisting of cute, high-pitched speech and mostly shorter words, known as Draderrooian. You can find the official language reference guide here: Draderrooian Language Guide
Despite their friendly nature and innocent appearance, these short, cute, candy-loving alien marsupials pack more than a few secrets within their relatively small bodies! Heavy radiation exposure, coupled with the need for survival on the harsh planets they first crash-landed on, has lead to many interesting mutations that can be found with varying rarities in Roru.
Don't let that cute smile catch you off guard, Draderroo are omnivorous predators. They're what could be called mini vore monsters, a creature whose body is fully optimized for vore of large prey, prey larger than themselves! Roru can catch and consume prey many times their size, as their body is highly stretchy, and internally a large percentage of it is taken up by multi-stage digestive sacs for processing all types of organic (and some inorganic) matter and converting it to energy. Some of these digestive sacs are visible from the outside as light-colored pouches made of a smooth, stretchy membrane, found on the underarms and the rear of the legs, and generally a bright, complimentary flesh color. After digestion, Roru can safely reform their prey.
Roru can vary quite a bit in terms of their anatomical features, though almost all have four arms, the lower pair normally being retracted/hidden. On some Roru, the lower arms also double as wings, allowing them to fly thanks to a flexible, retractable membrane protruding from the length of the arm along the bottom. The lower arms can fully retract into the creature's sides similarly to 626, keeping them out of the way when not in use.
A Roru's paws and feet each have four digits. All four paws have opposable thumbs to grip objects and circular pads on each finger. Many Roru also possess their signature pawmaw (paw-mouths) found in the center of the palm. Feet also have the same pad pattern, only with an elongated footpad. Some Roru have pawmaws in their feet, too.
Draderroo can be found on many planets, Earth included! On Earth, there are two known variants. Canadian Draderroo have semi-opposable thumbs on their feet along with a thicker, fuzzier winter fur coat for colder environments, while Australian Draderroo have larger, more roo-like feet, allowing them to hop higher and run faster. Either variant may be found in differing regions, however, as Draderroo are a naturally adventurous race, not likely to stick to one place for long! To keep in touch worldwide and even with interstellar Draderroo colonies, their villages are equipped with an advanced long-distance communication network, assembled using surviving remnants or replicas of alien technology from their home planet.
Draderroo can be found on many planets, Earth included! Roru adapt and evolve quickly to suit their environment after just a few generations, so there are many known regional variants with minor anatomical differences. These variants don't exclusively stick to their home turf, however. Draderroo are a naturally adventurous race, after all! To keep in touch among worldwide and interstellar colonies, villages are equipped with an advanced long-distance communication network, assembled using surviving remnants or replicas of alien technology from their home planet.
Short: 3'6" to 4'0", Average: 4'1" to 4'7", Tall: 4'8" to 5'0"
Light: 60 to 80lbs, Average: 80 to 110lbs, Heavy: 110 to 160lbs
Pawmaws - The signature trait of the Draderroo, found on nearly all. They enable a Roru to climb walls via powerful suction, greet others with a friendly paw-lick, and most importantly, eat snacks and candy more conveniently~
Pouch - Since all Roru are hermaphrodites, both sexes have a roo pouch. It keeps their sensitive eggs warm until hatching, and protects Joeys for the first few months. A Roru couple can raise two eggs, one per pouch.
Tongue - The primary tongue of a Roru is a unique, prehensile ovipositor and sex organ, used by the alien species for reproduction. It's typically a light, complimentary color, sometimes with a bi-color gradient.
Nosemaw - The Roru's unique nose can moisten itself and open/close to adjust sensitivity. An adaptive and sensitive nose is crucial for stealthy capture of prey in widely varied, and potentially dangerous environments.
Earmaws - Specialized muscles & tongue in the ear canal adjust its shape, improving spatial hearing and cancelling echoes, or plug the ears to protect from loud noises. They also allow for ear-whispering between Rorus~
Bellymaw - A mouth on the Roru's belly above the pouch, useful for intimidation and capture of large prey! It has a unique ability to recreate near any sound, from a blaring siren to copying other voices.
Blue Fire - The Roru's mouth/paw fire breath is blue instead of orange, capable of larger, more intense fireballs and fire blasts. Other fire colors have been observed as well.
Tail Petals - Three or four prehensile petals that open to reveal an internal tail chamber, which is used for both digestion and reformation of prey.
Arm Pouches - Stretchy pouches under the Roru's arms and behind their legs allow them to hold prey more easily, and can even be inflated with air for use as handy flotation devices!
Feetmaws - Maws in the Roru's feetpads provide improved wall climbing, and sense the ground's chemical composition to assist in assessing weather, location, environment, etc.
Cock Maw - In place of a urethra, a Roru's cock may have a maw at the tip instead. For the adventurous, another dick can even be inserted; The cock maw can suck and swallow.
Wing Arms - The Roru's lower arms are equipped with bat-like wing membranes, allowing them to fly and double-jump. Most Explorer-class Roru have pawmaws and/or wing arms, while City Roru tend not to.
Long Tendrils - Technically, nearly all Roru have 2-6 back tendrils, but they are generally very short, merely for show. Some, however, have much longer tentacles. They typically match the main tongue's color.
Ovi Cock - An ovipositor cock that looks similar to a normal Roru cock, but can also lay large eggs externally, or engulf other cocks whole, filling the target's sack with smaller eggs.
Tailmaw - An alternative to tail petals, more of a mouth at the end of the tail, often with large fangs/teeth for intimidating growls.
Muzzle Feet - A rare alternative to feetmaws, where the feet have more of a muzzle/snout shape, with a nose and mouth in place of toes.
Anus Maw - A donut ring-style ass with a prehensile tongue. It produces a special acid that breaks down metals and certain materials. Licks from it's tongue can gradually melt through solid steel, yet are completely safe to organic beings.
Forked Tongues - Snake-like forked pawmaw tongues, instead of round-tipped. Often these tongues are longer and even more prehensile than usual. Only found on Royal or Royal-heritage Draderroo.
Snake Tail - A rare trait found on select Roru in place of the tail opening. Only found on Royal Draderroo.
Here are only a few ideas for unusual traits and abilities, but there are all sorts of possibilities when it comes to Roru mutations!
Roru are well known for their love of snacks and candy, but they also have fast-paced metabolisms that require a lot of energy. Being quite versatile critters, they have a diverse diet, and obtain this energy through every means at their disposal. Scavenging, begging, growing plants and crops, or even eating other living creatures. The way they do the latter, however, is quite special. Draderroo are non-lethal and non-fatal predators, meaning that after consuming and digesting their prey, they are reformed again, completely intact! With Draderroo, this usually happens after 8-12 hours, and a single Draderroo could easily eat 3 creatures their size in a day!
Not all Roru enjoy the sport of hunting for prey, however. Some prefer tending to fields, while yet more love to dance and play, putting on a fanciful display to beg for food from other sentient beings. They store this food in their pouches to take back with them, either for themselves or to share with their village. It's often said that a Roru's favorite pastime is eating, and if anyone could speak their language, that would be evidenced by how much they talk about it! Though perhaps you could say it's merely a side-effect of their true favorite pastime... Cooking and baking, something they're surprisingly skilled and passionate about!
The planet Roru originate from had a wide variety of fruit available, and as such, they've grown quite fond of eating fruit. Furthermore, their bodies are adapted to take on the scent and taste of the fruit they eat, each Roru's taste being distinct and unique. This helps them mark territory, and track each other down through scent trails.
Roru's bodies are densely packed with cells that make up their stretchy tissues, as well as a uniquely flexible internal skeleton, allowing them to stretch to accommodate prey many times their size from any orifice. Their rapidly-dividing cells make them highly resistant to disease and illness, and even allow them to regrow damaged limbs. In some cases, as much as a whole leg or tail! Each of their maws will grow at least four new sets of teeth/fangs over their 80+ year lifespans.
Roru are gender dimorphic, but not in a traditional way. All Roru are hermaphrodites, so both males and females lay eggs and have pouches to incubate them and hold their young (joeys). But males and females have different social roles when it comes to child care. Roru raise their young through a joint approach. Both individual education from parents, passing on their knowledge, and group education (school) is considered of great importance, and both males and females have different roles to play in both systems, their distinct traits providing distinctive benefits in diverse fields of education. That's not to say there aren't exceptions of course. Other sexualities are openly tolerated in Roru society.
Draderroo reproduce via oral sex using their tongues, which function as a long, prehensile sex organ. The tip of the tongue has a phallic head, which is inserted into a pussy-like slit on the bottom of the tongue. During sex, two Roru kiss while their tongues wrap around each other, each inserting into the other. Notably, the genitalia on a Roru's crotch is not capable of reproduction and only produces a 'blank' load, but is preferred for urination.
Due to their alien biology, Roru's body substances are quite unique as well, including both blood and urine. In fact, it's more like a fruit juice blend that carries energy throughout their body. This blend depends on their diet, though only contains plant matter, giving every Roru a unique scent and taste (no really, their fur tastes like fruit!). After serving its use, it is exchanged and expelled in a sterile form somewhat like a fruit smoothie, sugar being re-added to enhance their sweet scent, which is useful for scent marking territory, and helps impress the ladies~
Type | Native Name | English Name | Owner |
M CAN | ![]() | Star | Pecacheu @ FA |
F CAN | ![]() | Lollipop | Pecacheu @ FA |
M SAU | ![]() | Desert | Pecacheu @ FA |
M CAN | ![]() | Rainbow | [Anon] |
M AUS | ![]() | Pink Ears | Icat @ FA |
M AUS | ![]() | Fluffy Coal | Nikko-Kai-Cutie @ DA |
M CAN | ![]() | Karma | BlueCloudWolf @ FA |
M EUR | ![]() | Tumble | Syvies @ FA |
M EUR | ![]() | Shadow | Aeron @ FA |
F CAN | ![]() | Jet | Sonnitude @ FA |